Saturday, 30 June 2012

It's almost July..

Hello..I have realised I am not very good at writing blogs and keeping them up to's almost July!

Since the last post I have been building up stock to sell on the local Manchester market in the area I live. I've also managed to make dresses in larger sizes, up to a 6 year old so far. I've been buying some gorgeous fabric from my usual 2 sources, cheshire fabric and fabric rehab..both very addictive sites.

The last market was very busy, but the weather was awful and I think people are less likely to buy dresses when the heavens are open and everyone is struggling to keep dry..

With this is mind, and with a small child who is learning to walk, I've decided to branch out and try and make other garments.  The fair and the market were full of people with small boys and I know from family & friends with boys that funky clothes for boys are hard tpo find and cost a pretty penny.  I've made a mock up of lightweight denim trousers (actually for my daughter) and am going to add heart shaped patches onto the knees.

The other plan is to try and make simple romper suit/dungarees for little ones, but I need to perfect the snap fastener fixing..any advice greately received!

So with that I'll get back to ordering new fabrics in for the next load of orders, & getting excited about seeing the Roses tomorrow night..and I'll aim to post pics of any new products asap..

Happy July!


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