Wednesday, 19 December 2012

It's that time of year again..

I haven't sat down and written a blog since the's a poor show.

It's almost Christmas and as usual there are tons of things to do and sort and sew. With small children, school runs and work to fit in, sewing seems to take a back seat.

However, I've been inspired by some friends with small boys and listened to their frustrations. It seems that girls clothes are easy to come by, relatively cheap and fun. Boys clothes seem to be emblazened with motifs and either blue or green.  So, I've sourced some fab yellow and black check and made some winter baggies for boys. They are simple, durable and for 6-12months.  I'll have them to sell this weekend at the Levy market, or you can always contact me direct on email:

I have also got hold of some lovely dark blue cord and am making some trousers in that, perfect for little boys in the winter.  There will as usual be the little girls dresses on the market and a few baby suits made out of super pretty fabrics.

I'll add some photos later on today, I hope you like them..Happy Christmas, have a ball..

Saturday, 30 June 2012

It's almost July..

Hello..I have realised I am not very good at writing blogs and keeping them up to's almost July!

Since the last post I have been building up stock to sell on the local Manchester market in the area I live. I've also managed to make dresses in larger sizes, up to a 6 year old so far. I've been buying some gorgeous fabric from my usual 2 sources, cheshire fabric and fabric rehab..both very addictive sites.

The last market was very busy, but the weather was awful and I think people are less likely to buy dresses when the heavens are open and everyone is struggling to keep dry..

With this is mind, and with a small child who is learning to walk, I've decided to branch out and try and make other garments.  The fair and the market were full of people with small boys and I know from family & friends with boys that funky clothes for boys are hard tpo find and cost a pretty penny.  I've made a mock up of lightweight denim trousers (actually for my daughter) and am going to add heart shaped patches onto the knees.

The other plan is to try and make simple romper suit/dungarees for little ones, but I need to perfect the snap fastener fixing..any advice greately received!

So with that I'll get back to ordering new fabrics in for the next load of orders, & getting excited about seeing the Roses tomorrow night..and I'll aim to post pics of any new products asap..

Happy July!


Tuesday, 15 May 2012

May the sun shine..soon??

A new blog for May.  Things have gone a bit quiet for us at the moment, our big fair is over and it is back to our day jobs for Natalie and I.  Finding time to meet and discuss plans of world domination is difficult and we haven't managed to co-ordinate our working week very well!

However, we will have some products on a stall at the newly revamped Manchester Markets in Levenshulme on the 26th May and I'm hoping to get a few new dresses ready for then. There are also plans to sell some 'Dresses in a bag' at POD Deli in Levenshulme and get some stock on Etsy..

I have been selling dresses at my Daughter's ballet class to friends of friends and am hoping for some pretty pictures of the lovely girls who now own them sporting their new dresses. This is a quote from one happy Mum:

"So far, it has come out of a baked bean shovelling session almost unscathed, been to a party, found the only patch of mud in our tiny garden, been hand-washed, and almost dried on the line. Not bad for its first day living with us. I shall have a look at your fabric links and get choosing for my next order. Xxx"

And on that note I shall end my brief blog and get on with making a cup of tea and stitching another are some pictures for you in the mean time..

And finally, the back view of my 1 year old daughter's birthday dress..

Monday, 23 April 2012

Well that was total bobbins...

I wrote my first ever blog. Up until last weekend, Jessica had been writing away and keeping you posted, and I finally took a deep breath, opened up my laptop and wrote what can only be described as the most wonderful prose, because that is how you describe all things written that have been lost in cyberspace (its never crap, its always works of genius *I am being tongue and cheek).... It is gone. My deepest thoughts, my poetic sentiments, my heart, my soul on a page...gone. I cannot recreate the vibe, the mood, the joy but I will have a go so please, I implore you, read on.

I had a weekend of freedom, which involved a long-awaited visit to LONDON. You see, I don't only just create soft-furnishings, I've also created 2 small people aged 3 and 1 and this was my first trip away. The journey was probably the highlight of my visit (no offence bessy mates, Liberty, Spitalfields Market). I sat on a train, with a really good book - Caitlin Moran's How to be a Woman, and it was ace and I laughed aloud and I gazed into the distance and did a bit of thinking. Its been a long time. I once heard that Germaine Greer would set aside 2 hours a day, just to think... I adore her. I must think more, like Germaine Greer, I hope it wasn't Jermaine Jackson!

My newly pregnant bessy mate met me at Euston and we began our lovely day with a trip to John Lewis on Oxford Street, so she could wee and eat cake *yes, she will have washed her hands*. I love John Lewis, but it was only a teaser because my main destination was the magnificent LIBERTY. I think you're stroked by angels when you walk into Liberty, it makes me pleasantly sigh and nonchalantly flick my hair, even when I see the prices of the £325 scarves I am un-phased because I am surrounded by beauty... I'd like to live there, or have the keys and sneak in and roll around naked on the rugs, scarves and beautiful fabrics. Ooh, its an aesthetic sensation not to be missed. It was marred slightly by the moody stasi-esque security guard telling off a tourist for taking a photo of some bunting, but they're right, you never know  when the creatives might take over the world.

The next day, after spending the evening with my friend who was very thoughtfully trying not to puke all weekend (which makes a nice change because without child within she is a pretty good puker. I can remember occasions based on where she's vomited for example, Le Bateau on her shoes; Summer of 1999, the patio at her parents; Summer of 2001, Spain - too many times, it all gets a bit hazy) we took a bus ride to Brick Lane and walked to Spitalfields Market. There were lots of lovely things to buy, not least bagels with cream cheese, vintage birdcages, dresses that must've been sold cheaply when high street shops went under. There were also, gorgeous little dresses like, Jess's dresses only more expensive. We will endeavour to add more photos of Jess's dresses and I've just this afternoon set up an Etsy shop, so you will soon be able to buy Jess's dresses and my random furnishings until your heart's content.

This is the cushion I've put on Etsy, and there will be more to come. Unless I start using my time just to sit and think, but I can't see that happening anytime soon...

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Fair, Easter and future plans..

So then, Easter school holidays are over it's time to get back to the normal routine..
The craft fair went really well and we sold loads of our stock! There are some very fancy looking little girls in Manchester with my dresses on and we got several orders for dresses. The lovely Bec Chow (look on our blog list, she writes 'The Mothers' blog) came and took some photos of Natalie and I at the fair and when she sends them to us, we'll pop them on the blog (if we look acceptable!!).
We've received the first part of our order from 'Cheshire Fabrics' of the Michael Miller fabric and I'm making a dress for Natalie's little girl's first birthday. 
I spent last Weds on a course at 'Cheeky Sew and Sew' learning how to use patterns and alter them. It was very useful and I made a pair of trousers during the day. Our plan is to branch out and make boys clothes with lovely fabrics. I want to try and make some 'leggings' for boys but think if I use jersey material I'll need to use an 'overlocker' and after doing some research I've realised how expensive they are!
I'm working on some plans to get material printed using my designs, but haven't managed to find anywhere who can do big runs of material for a reasonable price! If anyone knows of anywhere, please let us know.

Friday, 30 March 2012

Fair fair fair..

It's the night before our 2nd fair and I've been stitching button holes today and gathering our wares together for the fair.
The licence has been achieved thanks to the dogged determination of Ffi and we are ready to go..
I have 16 dresses to sell, Natalie has been stiching like crazy to make cushions galore and we're giddy.
Cider will be involved in tomorrow's day and I'm hoping it'll be a lovely community feel to the whole event.
Natalie and I were involved in some filming on Wednesday to be part of the Mary Portas bid to improve our high street. We live in South Manchester in a lovely place, but unfortunately the high street does not represent the people who live here anymore.  Here is the link, it's well worth a watch. It made me cry, but that is because we're in it, and our friends and family..

Hope that works!

We'll post some pictures of the fair asap, but until then, farewell...

Thursday, 29 March 2012

It's nearly fair time..

We're on count down to the little fair we've been organising.  It's on Saturday at the marvellous Klondyke club in our home patch.
We're having some issues about a licence we need from the Council.  It looks like we should have applied for it a month or so ago..but fingers crossed we can get through the red tape in time.
Natalie and I have been working hard to build up enough stock to sell. It's not easy with small children and all that comes with being a Mum. We're both still on Maternity leave and the threat of our real jobs looms very large..
But, in a bid to try and shake off the shackles of working with vulnerable people in a hard up town, we're stitching like mad.  We really hope that you like our stuff, we like it and I think that shows.
I've made 4 more dresses this week with the light nights and some puffed out kids bathed and in bed by 7pm. I've attached a couple of pictures of a dress for a 2 year old, made from Robert Kaufman material. It's gorgeous thick cotton and it's lined with thick crisp white cotton. The colours are fabulous.

I've signed up for a course to teach me how to make little boys things too, so as soon as I've done that I'll  be searching for some fab fabric to use.

We hope you are having fun in the sunshine..

Monday, 26 March 2012


What a beautiful sunshiny day today has been! We love spring, the flowers, the light nights, the smell of cider in the air...
Today I've had chance to wash all the new fabric and hang out all the finished dresses, ready to be pressed and hung up for our 2nd Vintage & Handmade craft fair. We ran one at Christmas together with 'Stock' vintage clothing (@ffimeister) & Junk photography ( and it was really successful. We had made small things, Christmas decorations, a few small cushions, that kind of thing. We were totally blown away when we counted our takings! I think we might have looked a bit amateur holding hands and squealing behind the stall, but it was such an amazing feeling.  People seemed to really like all of our stuff!
I've made a few bits and pieces before for my children. My mum used to buy 'Clothkits' and sew like a demon to make us unique clothes. I loved the feeling as a child that I had handmade clothes on, I was proud of my Mum and the things she made.
Sadly my Mum passed away in 2010 and ever since I've tried to recreate the garments she made for me with a modern twist. I've knitted hats for my friend's babies and for Christmas I made my baby a dress. People liked I made some more.
I am really pleased my Mum showed me how to knit and sew and I hope my children are interested in it. It's so nice being able to make things, instead of just buying the same clothes as other people. Ironically it isn't the cheapest option these days to make your own, but it's the satisfaction of a finished article.
So, after a productive day in the sunshine and the smell of apples and cider, I dedicate this post to my Mum, Diana Mary.  I thank her for having the patience to pass on skills I can and do use. Here's cheers..

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Our wares..

Ok folks, so, here you are. Shown are a completed cushion, a work in progress cushion and 4 dresses (which I should have ironed before the shoot..sorry Natalie) but it just gives you an idea of what we have to offer.
We think of new things everyday and strive to make new and fresh designs. I only buy a short run of fabric so you can be assured that any dress you buy will not be seen anywhere else! We do take orders too, so if you see something you like, but would like it another colour, then please let us know.
We really hope you enjoy looking at, buying, wearing, stroking our products as much as we enjoy thinking them up and then making them. These things are a labour of love...


This is Total Bobbins

We are a craft duo specialising in handmade one-off designs. We make garments, furnishings and accessories using both new and vintage fabrics, to create interesting and individual designs.  We like and prefer to make stuff that's a bit twee, a bit folky, a bit vintage and totally handmade. This means that not everything we make is perfect, but each piece is made with affection, a large coffee and usually cake. I hope you enjoy following our blog as much as we enjoy crafting our wares. We are Natalie O'Hara and Jess Kippen - together we are....Total Bobbins.
This blog will bring you pictures of our latest designs, whilst sharing our craft highs and lows, and give you the opportunity to buy our products for your home or as personalised gifts... (watch this space) ... Great things are happening, cool stuff is coming, there's a buzz in the air, we are very excited, so keep checking our blog for photos and future crafts to come.